Project overview
Strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in central Europe
Urban and rural regions are growing closer together across central Europe. As a result, the focus of spatial planning moved up to the level of metropolitan regions, which include commuter belts around cities. But cooperation between a city and its hinterland often remains challenging. The MECOG-CE project overcomes this by connecting eight metropolitan regions in central Europe that identify, test and share good governance tools.
1,65m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
About the project
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
City of Brno
60200 Brno
Project partner
10138 Turin
Planning Department
Faculty of Science
European Funds and Policy Development Department
D-14467 Potsdam
Strategic development department
Our challenge

Urban and rural regions are growing closer together across Central Europe, but cooperation between a city and its hinterland often remains challenging. This creates inefficiencies in various fields important for citizens and their daily life.
Specific problem

To tackle persisting challenges, new tools are needed to improve cooperation between cities and its hinterland - metropolitan cooperation. The potential of this cooperation is not fully exploited.
Our idea

What if Central European metropolitan areas join forces and develop solutions for better metropolitan cooperation and governance?
Our solution

To strengthen metropolitan cooperation and governance in metropolitan areas, new solutions will be jointly developed and will be based on existing best practices and tools for enhancing metropolitan cooperation. These will be tested and applied in partner metropolitan areas.
Pilot actions

We are the Metropolitan Areas – Our Common Metropolitan Vision
- Common Metropolitan Vision
- The status quo of metropolitan dimension in CE and its future development
- Identification of challenges specific for Central European MAs
- Report on metropolitan governance systems and existing tools/best practices at partners MAs for enhancing metropolitan cooperation
- Executive summary: Best practices and metropolitan governance structures
- Analysis of best practice outside partners’ regions
- Executive summary: Best practices outside MECOG CE partners’ regions

New solutions enhancing metropolitan cooperation and governance

Strategy for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe

Action plans for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance
Project videos
Project documents
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.